I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic school, did all the rituals, never missed a Sunday unless I was actively throwing up, and still never felt any connection to God. As soon as I moved out of the house, I stopped going to church with the exception of when my mother would visit.
After I was married, I ended up going to a Christian church with a friend and became a real Christian. That was the first time I ever felt that going to church was fun and had a purpose.
I think it’s hard to reconcile the way people act inside the walls and outside the walls when it comes to church. I don’t know if some of them just don’t bother trying to be better people, lol, or if it’s ritual to them, too, to go and Do The Thing.
I think God can meet us anywhere we are. It’s good to have like-minded people around for the fellowship and encouragement, and that’s what the people of the church should be doing for each other, but your experience in Jamaica sounds like it was a wonderful Easter, and wasn’t lacking in any way that matters to God.
I’m glad you wrote this!